Get complete information on arrival-departure time table, route & stops of Koraput - Rourkela Express (18108).

18108/Koraput - Rourkela Express

Koraput - Rourkela Express (18108) - Koraput Junction (KRPU) To Rourkela Junction (ROU) - Train Details

Get useful information including departure timing, departure days, arrival and travel time of Koraput - Rourkela Express (Train No 18108) running between Koraput Junction (KRPU) to Rourkela Junction (ROU) stations

Koraput - Rourkela Express, Train Number - 18108

Koraput Junction (KRPU)
Rourkela Junction (ROU)

Departure Days From Koraput Junction Railway Station - Daily

The following table displays the time schedule of Koraput - Rourkela Express (Train number 18108) running between KRPU-ROU stations. This train time table provides arrival, departure and halt time of Koraput - Rourkela Express at each station in its route. The table also provides distance traveled by the train from its starting point (Koraput Junction).

18108/Koraput - Rourkela Express with timing schedule, route & stops
S# Code Station Name Dist.
(in KM)
Arrival Dept. Halt Day of Arrival
1. KRPU Koraput Junction 0.0 16:30 -
2. DMNJ Damanjodi 19.0 16:56 16:57 1 min
3. LKMR Laxmipur Road 62.0 17:44 17:45 1 min
4. TKRI Tikiri 84.0 18:14 18:15 1 min
5. RGDA Rayagada 173.0 20:50 21:10 20 min
6. MNGD Muniguda 227.0 22:24 22:25 1 min
7. KSNG Kesinga 300.0 23:21 23:22 1 min
8. TIG Titlagarh Junction 313.0 23:40 23:50 10 min
9. BLGR Balangir 376.0 01:05 01:10 5 min
10. BRGA Bargarh Road 452.0 02:30 02:32 2 min
11. SBP Sambalpur Junction 495.0 03:20 03:30 10 min
12. JSG Jharsuguda Junction 543.0 05:20 05:25 5 min
13. ROU Rourkela Junction 645.0 06:50 -

Koraput - Rourkela Express (Koraput Junction to Rourkela Junction) train fare chart

The following fare chart is displaying the price of SL, 3A class(es) tickets for Koraput - Rourkela Express (18108). All the train fares displayed here are for General Quota tickets.

• Koraput Junction - Rourkela Junction SLEEPER CLASS (SL) fare - Rs. 350
• Koraput Junction - Rourkela Junction THIRD AC (3A) fare - Rs. 950

All Trains from Koraput Junction to Rourkela Junction