Get complete information on arrival-departure time table, route & stops of Gour Express (13154).

13154/Gour Express

Gour Express (13154) - Malda Town (MLDT) To Sealdah (SDAH) - Train Details

Get useful information including departure timing, departure days, arrival and travel time of Gour Express (Train No 13154) running between Malda Town (MLDT) to Sealdah (SDAH) stations

Gour Express, Train Number - 13154

Malda Town (MLDT)
Sealdah (SDAH)

Departure Days From Malda Town Railway Station - Daily

The following table displays the time schedule of Gour Express (Train number 13154) running between MLDT-SDAH stations. This train time table provides arrival, departure and halt time of Gour Express at each station in its route. The table also provides distance traveled by the train from its starting point (Malda Town).

13154/Gour Express with timing schedule, route & stops
S# Code Station Name Dist.
(in KM)
Arrival Dept. Halt Day of Arrival
1. MLDT Malda Town 0.0 SOURCE 21:35 -
2. NFK New Farakka Junction 34.0 22:07 22:12 5 min
3. PKR Pakur 67.0 22:55 22:59 4 min
4. RJG Rajgram 79.0 23:12 23:14 2 min
5. MRR Murarai 90.0 23:25 23:27 2 min
6. NHT Nalhati Junction 107.0 23:41 23:43 2 min
7. RPH Rampur Hat 121.0 00:14 00:19 5 min
8. SNT Sainthia Junction 148.0 00:44 00:46 2 min
9. AMP Ahmedpur Junction 162.0 01:00 01:02 2 min
10. BHP Bolpur Shantiniketan 181.0 01:20 01:22 2 min
11. BWN Barddhaman Junction 233.0 02:30 02:50 20 min
12. BDC Bandel Junction 300.0 03:50 03:54 4 min
13. BNXR Bidhan Nagar Road 343.0 05:01 05:03 2 min
14. SDAH Sealdah 349.0 05:20 DEST -

Gour Express (Malda Town to Sealdah) train fare chart

The following fare chart is displaying the price of SL, 3A, 2A, 1A class(es) tickets for Gour Express (13154). All the train fares displayed here are for General Quota tickets.

• Malda Town - Sealdah SLEEPER CLASS (SL) fare - Rs. 220
• Malda Town - Sealdah THIRD AC (3A) fare - Rs. 595
• Malda Town - Sealdah SECOND AC (2A) fare - Rs. 845
• Malda Town - Sealdah FIRST AC (1A) fare - Rs. 1,415

All Trains from Malda Town to Sealdah