Get complete information on arrival-departure time table, route & stops of Patna Gaya MEMU (63253).

63253/Patna Gaya MEMU

Patna Gaya MEMU (63253) - Patna Junction (PNBE) To Gaya Junction (GAYA) - Train Details

Get useful information including departure timing, departure days, arrival and travel time of Patna Gaya MEMU (Train No 63253) running between Patna Junction (PNBE) to Gaya Junction (GAYA) stations

Patna Gaya MEMU, Train Number - 63253

Patna Junction (PNBE)
Gaya Junction (GAYA)

Departure Days From Patna Junction Railway Station - Daily

The following table displays the time schedule of Patna Gaya MEMU (Train number 63253) running between PNBE-GAYA stations. This train time table provides arrival, departure and halt time of Patna Gaya MEMU at each station in its route. The table also provides distance traveled by the train from its starting point (Patna Junction).

63253/Patna Gaya MEMU with timing schedule, route & stops
S# Code Station Name Dist.
(in KM)
Arrival Dept. Halt Day of Arrival
1. 0.0 SOURCE 15:30 -

All Trains from Patna Junction to Gaya Junction