Shoranur Junction to Coimbatore North Junction Trains
Type Source and Destination station name or code
1 train from Shoranur Junction to Coimbatore North Junction
S#. | Train No. | Name | Dept. | Arr. | Dist. | Dept. Days | |||||||
1. | 16860 | Mangaluru Central - Chennai Egmore Express | 12:40 | 15:49 | 97km |
16860/Mangaluru Central - Chennai Egmore Express Schedule
S# | Code | Station Name | Dist. (in KM) |
Arrival | Dept. | Halt | Day of Arrival | |||||||
MAQ | Mangalore Central | -306 | SOURCE | 06:45 | - |
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1. | SRR | Shoranur Junction | 0.0 | 12:35 | 12:40 | 5 min |
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2. | OTP | Ottapalam | 8 | 12:58 | 13:00 | 2 min |
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3. | PGT | Palakkad Junction | 40 | 13:40 | 13:45 | 5 min |
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4. | PTJ | Podanur Junction | 88 | 15:24 | 15:25 | 1 min |
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5. | CBE | Coimbatore Junction | 94 | 15:37 | 15:40 | 3 min |
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6. | CBF | Coimbatore North Junction | 97 | 15:49 | 15:50 | 1 min |
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MS | Chennai Egmore | 672 | 04:30 | DEST | - |