Maksi Junction to Bhopal Junction Trains
Type Source and Destination station name or code
10 trains from Maksi Junction to Bhopal Junction
S#. | Train No. | Name | Dept. | Arr. | Dist. | Dept. Days | |||||||
1. | 59389 | Indore - Bhopal Passenger | 02:10 | 05:30 | 143km |
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2. | 11463 | Somnath - Jabalpur Express | 04:47 | 08:30 | 143km |
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3. | 11465 | Somnath - Jabalpur Express | 04:47 | 08:30 | 143km |
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4. | 19323 | Indore - Bhopal Habibganj InterCity Express | 08:06 | 10:50 | 143km |
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5. | 19711 | Jaipur-Bhopal Express | 08:18 | 11:25 | 143km |
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6. | 12919 | Malwa Express | 14:43 | 17:25 | 143km |
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7. | 59319 | Ujjain Bhopal Passenger | 17:57 | 22:15 | 143km |
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8. | 11471 | Indore - Jabalpur Overnight Express | 19:20 | 22:20 | 143km |
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9. | 18233 | Narmada Express | 20:18 | 23:15 | 142km |
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10. | 19301 | Indore - Yesvantpur Weekly Express | 23:23 | 01:35 | 143km |