List of Garib Rath Express Trains along with their source and destination stations, including departure and arrival timings.

Garib Rath/Yuva

The Garib Rath-literally "Poor people's chariot"-is a train service initiated by the Indian Railways to provide economical air-conditioned long distance travel to passengers. The fares in the Garib Rath are considerably lower as compared to standard fares of air conditioned class in regular-fare trains. In order to cut the costs, the coaches and seats in Garib Rath are designed with different measurements and each coach has more seats and berths than in air-conditioned coaches in other trains. The trains have only seating and three-tier accommodation. The maximum speed of Garib Rath trains is around 130Km/h which is considerably slower than super-fast express trains. The passengers are not provided free bedding or food.

Like Garib Rath, Yuva Express series of trains are also meant to provide for economical air-conditioned travel. This service however caters primarily to the youth of the country with special reservations for students and low-income groups. 

List of Garib Rath/Yuva trains with their arrival and departure timings.