Get complete information on arrival-departure time table, route & stops of Palnadu SF Express (12747).

12747/Palnadu SF Express

Palnadu SF Express (12747) - Guntur Junction (GNT) To Vikarabad Junction (VKB) - Train Details

Get useful information including departure timing, departure days, arrival and travel time of Palnadu SF Express (Train No 12747) running between Guntur Junction (GNT) to Vikarabad Junction (VKB) stations

Palnadu SF Express, Train Number - 12747

Guntur Junction (GNT)
Vikarabad Junction (VKB)

Departure Days From Guntur Junction Railway Station - Daily

The following table displays the time schedule of Palnadu SF Express (Train number 12747) running between GNT-VKB stations. This train time table provides arrival, departure and halt time of Palnadu SF Express at each station in its route. The table also provides distance traveled by the train from its starting point (Guntur Junction).

12747/Palnadu SF Express with timing schedule, route & stops
S# Code Station Name Dist.
(in KM)
Arrival Dept. Halt Day of Arrival
1. GNT Guntur Junction 0.0 05:45 -
2. SAP Sattenapalle 43.0 06:25 06:26 1 min
3. PGRL Piduguralla 75.0 06:55 06:56 1 min
4. NDKD Nadikude Junction 96.0 07:16 07:17 1 min
5. VNUP Vishnupuram 113.0 07:34 07:35 1 min
6. MRGA Miryalaguda 134.0 07:53 07:54 1 min
7. NLDA Nalgonda 172.0 08:23 08:24 1 min
8. CTYL Chityala 197.0 08:50 08:51 1 min
9. NRDP Nagireddipalli 229.0 09:24 09:25 1 min
10. SC Secunderabad Junction 282.0 10:35 10:45 10 min
11. BMT Begampet 286.0 10:53 10:55 2 min
12. SNF Sanathnagar 290.0 11:00 11:01 1 min
13. LPI Lingampalli 304.0 11:20 11:21 1 min
14. SKP Shankarpalli 325.0 11:37 11:38 1 min
15. VKB Vikarabad Junction 353.0 12:10 -

Palnadu SF Express (Guntur Junction to Vikarabad Junction) train fare chart

The following fare chart is displaying the price of 2S, CC class(es) tickets for Palnadu SF Express (12747). All the train fares displayed here are for General Quota tickets.

• Guntur Junction - Vikarabad Junction SECOND SEATING (2S) fare - Rs. 150
• Guntur Junction - Vikarabad Junction AC CHAIR CAR (CC) fare - Rs. 535

All Trains from Guntur Junction to Vikarabad Junction