Get complete information on arrival-departure time table, route & stops of Tebhaga Express (13161).

13161/Tebhaga Express

Tebhaga Express (13161) - Kolkata Chitpur (KOAA) To Balurghat (BLGT) - Train Details

Get useful information including departure timing, departure days, arrival and travel time of Tebhaga Express (Train No 13161) running between Kolkata Chitpur (KOAA) to Balurghat (BLGT) stations

Tebhaga Express, Train Number - 13161

Kolkata Chitpur (KOAA)
Balurghat (BLGT)

Departure Days From Kolkata Chitpur Railway Station - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Frirday, Sunday

The following table displays the time schedule of Tebhaga Express (Train number 13161) running between KOAA-BLGT stations. This train time table provides arrival, departure and halt time of Tebhaga Express at each station in its route. The table also provides distance traveled by the train from its starting point (Kolkata Chitpur).

13161/Tebhaga Express with timing schedule, route & stops
S# Code Station Name Dist.
(in KM)
Arrival Dept. Halt Day of Arrival
1. KOAA Kolkata Chitpur 0.0 12:55 -
2. BWN Barddhaman Junction 98.0 14:28 14:31 3 min
3. BHP Bolpur Shantiniketan 149.0 15:20 15:23 3 min
4. RPH Rampur Hat 209.0 16:40 16:45 5 min
5. PKR Pakur 263.0 17:28 17:29 1 min
6. NFK New Farakka Junction 296.0 18:37 18:39 2 min
7. MLDT Malda Town 331.0 19:30 19:50 20 min
8. EKI Eklakhi Junction 350.0 20:12 20:14 2 min
9. GZO Gazole 363.0 20:29 20:30 1 min
10. BNDP Buniadpur 392.0 21:10 21:15 5 min
11. GRMP Gangarampur 404.0 21:40 21:41 1 min
12. BLGT Balurghat 437.0 22:35 -

Tebhaga Express (Kolkata Chitpur to Balurghat) train fare chart

The following fare chart is displaying the price of 2S class(es) tickets for Tebhaga Express (13161). All the train fares displayed here are for General Quota tickets.

• Kolkata Chitpur - Balurghat SECOND SEATING (2S) fare - Rs. 155

All Trains from Kolkata Chitpur to Balurghat